ainori is good reality tv

I do not like reality tv as a rule, basically because it is not reality tv. it's about as real as 24, or friends or any other show, but instead of actors, it's people that want to be actors being on tv being in a show.
maybe it's the backwards nature of the japanese media, but I am much more forgiving of the only japanese reality tv show I know: ainori.
we watch this every week. the premise is simple: get a bunch of young single japanese men and women. take them out of japan to remote places in the world. give them things to do (charity work, site seeing, etc...) then watch them fall in love with each other. well maybe it isn't that simple:
dude falls in love with girl...dude does a "tell": gives her a plane ticket and says "go home to japan with me"...girl gets a night to think on it...1) girl says "sweet!" and they go back together....2) girl says "ph.o." and dude goes home alone.
that's it really, but it's very playful and fun and when one person leaves they find a new person to take their place. so there is no "final episode" or "big finale". (there are at over 300 weekly half hour episodes now).
this chick does a weekly blog on ainori, but take a chance and check it out if you can.
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